What’s the Difference Between Keto and Paleo?
Today, there are so many diets that it’s easy to write off the latest and greatest as some newfangled fad. We’ve all heard of South Beach, Atkins, The China Study, The Zone, Paleo, and now, of course, the Ketogenic Diet. But you might be surprised to know that all these protocols have something VERY important […]
Fact or Fiction: Does Eating Fat Make You Fat?
Of course eating fat makes us fat, right? Not so fast. The answer is actually a bit counterintuitive, but not too difficult to parse out. We don’t feed our livestock butter or lard when we want them to quickly reach market weight. Instead, we fatten up our farm animals — pigs, chickens, cattle, and even […]
How to Eat Keto at a Restaurant
Going keto is as much about what you don’t eat as what you do. As you’ll see, PrimaForce can be an important tool to wage war against an environment of processed and high-carb foods. Most restaurants are structured to feed our high-carbohydrate and sugar addiction. Think of them as sugar merchants. The fries are all […]
Fact or Fiction: Does Butter Clog Your Arteries?
Many trace the (mis)logic of this question back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s massive heart attack. Think of it as the Heart Attack Heard ‘Round the World. The country’s leading cardiologist, Paul White (who had already treated some of America’s most famous and wealthiest cardiology patients like Andrew Carnegie, William Randolph Hearst, and Cornelius Vanderbilt) […]